When I was away a mystery box arrived. This will be the topic of next weeks video. If you dont want to miss it, go to my Youtube channel and subscribe. Link in the bio/profile. Any who can guess what it is?

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2dql03g

Continue ReadingWhen I was away a mystery box arrived. This will be the topic of next weeks video. If you dont want to miss it, go to my Youtube channel and subscribe. Link in the bio/profile. Any who can guess what it is?

All the glass is now mounted on the greenhouse. Missing some parts for the door. Going to start laying the floor soon.

<img src='https://scontent.cdninstagram sale levitra.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/14156412_1736138409981385_585907667_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM0MjIwNDg0ODUwNjI3ODQyNA%3D%3D.2' style='max-width:600px;' title="" alt="" /> via Instagram http://ift.tt/2cgn8V2

Continue ReadingAll the glass is now mounted on the greenhouse. Missing some parts for the door. Going to start laying the floor soon.