Finally flowers on the potatoes Post author:Andreas Post published:June 28, 2016 Post category:Uncategorized via Instagram You Might Also Like My tip and pic of the day. Dont buy tomato seeds. Just take your favourite tomato and put it in some good soil. After 2 weeks you got this. Been replanting tomatos this morning. Usualy i smash my tomatos first but this proves that you just have to put it in the soil. April 9, 2016 Time for me to go to bed. The loaf has been standing in room temperature for about 15 hours. Will put it in the refrigirator and bake it tomorrow. First time baking with my sourdough April 21, 2016 Here they use the sun and the wind for electricity March 9, 2016
My tip and pic of the day. Dont buy tomato seeds. Just take your favourite tomato and put it in some good soil. After 2 weeks you got this. Been replanting tomatos this morning. Usualy i smash my tomatos first but this proves that you just have to put it in the soil. April 9, 2016
Time for me to go to bed. The loaf has been standing in room temperature for about 15 hours. Will put it in the refrigirator and bake it tomorrow. First time baking with my sourdough April 21, 2016